Rainbow Bridge - Lazy river

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Rainbow Bridge


U'nala Bleue du Trésor d'Ysatis
11.02.2003 - 13.03.2012
Today, we had to give oour Nala back. We'll never forget her, she'll alwyas has a special place in our hearts. Thankyou for all the marvellous puppies you've given us.


Isdalur's Ara Sunna , called Tata
04.07.2006 - 05.12.2010
Lost through a tragical accident,
she was torn out of live way to early.
We miss our "Mausi" very much.

Flaky Boy vom Rurufer
25.06.2004 - 18.07.2007
being killed through somebody who hates dogs
also way to soon

Raven van Merefeld
22.07.1993 - 19.06.2006
he was our first Sheltie, he started all, thankyou

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