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How it all started

It all started in the year 1991. My husband once came home and told me, "I have seen my dream dog". My first thought was, oh my god, not a Alsatian.  Although we both grew up with Alsatians, but in a small flat I did not want to have one.

I asked what kind of dog this should be. He then told me, a Shetland Sheepdog, I was very surprised and a little put out, since I've never heard of such a Breed. He then explained, that it looked like a little collie. Ahh, okay, but where does someone find a dog like this? But first of all, I wanted to know as much as possible about this Breed, so we bought ourselves a couple of book, but in the meantime my husband had a lot of work to do to convince me. Since my "dream dog" was already at that time a Irish Wolfhound. And  I would have to be around this dog all day long I wanted "my" dog. Then, I don't know anymore how much later, I saw a Sheltie in natural, wow, what a cute little dog and so friendly, I fell for it. But we did at the time not want a Sable, but a Tricoloured one.

Now I tried to find a Breeder in Switzerland. This was the hardest part. The responsible person for the Breeding "program", told me there were no tricolour Shelties and I would have to look for myself, since she was not willing to help us in any which way. Really truly nice person!!!!

Well, I didn't give up and looked for myself. I did find some Breeders in Germany and Austria, but they did not have tricolour only sable. So I looked a little further and finally found a Breeder in Holland, lucky me, they did have puppies and even tricolour.

Yiipie. My husband and me decided to take some holidays and went up to Holland to have a look and eventually take the puppy with us. He was a beautiful dog, but he grew up and was to tall, which I did not know at the this time, since not one of the "ladies" responsible for the breeding wanted to give me any answers.

And since those "ladies" were sooo nice, we did not wanted to have anything to do with the club at all.

But still, after all this bad experiences, I still wanted to eventually start breeding, since Raven was neutered, and was already coming into age, so we started to have look around for a blue-merle, which we did find in France. So I went to Grenoble to get our little "Blueye". When I came home I wanted to tell the responsible person for breeding that I got a blue-merle. She was really nice, and did ask me if I have the eye tests for the CEA, which should have been done at the age of 6 up to 10 weeks. I was a bit taken back, but it was my fault, since I did not look at the new reglements.  So we went to the professor who did the tests, and there all our hopes went up in smoke.

This was not going to happen again, so I called Mrs. Gerber and we talked for hours and hours and she explained it all to me and even told me, that there was a breeder who had puppies at the moment and he was living not to far away.  

Our aim is, to breed  Shelties with the following caracteristics.

S  oundness
H  ealth
E  njoyment
L  oyalty
T  emperament
I  mprovement
E xcellent Eyes

Our Puppies are well socialised and grow up with our three son's and two cats and all the other Shelties and Icelandic Sheepdogs. They also know other Breeds, since I do have a Dog pension. The only thing they are not used to, is being in the train, tram and bus. Although the noise of the train they know, and also the shooting noise, since we do have a shooting range close to our home. (as the crow flies, about 500 to 800 meters)


Raven our first Sheltie

Raven unser erster Sheltie
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